Containers Go Brrrrr

Since about a week ago, containers were still an interesting technology that I just could not understand for the life of me. Its functional concepts are difficult to grasp at first but once I wrapped my head around the idea of having a runtime for applications, on which apps and services can operate. Ok… sounds easy enough. Then comes the implementation, I got flabbergasted on so many different levels, with so many different aspects of creating, running, and maintaining (a) container(s).

What I Have Accomplished

So once you have learned a new technology or skill, you gotta have to put it in practice to hone and understand the scope of the tech or skill further. In this regard, I am practicing by extensively writing Dockerfiles to containerize almost all, if not all, of my past and current projects. After I complete writing the configurations, I perform local build into an image, run it, test it out, and then upload the image to my private registry and deploy/publish it to the WWW.