Why I will never sell my Nikon D700

The Nikon D700 is a camera body that was released back in 2008, a wobbling 15 years from the time of writing this article. It was the first full-frame camera I ever owned, and I still use it to this day. I have no plans to sell it, and I’ll tell you why.

The D700 is a dummy thicc tank

The D700 is a tank. It’s built like a tank, it feels like a tank, and it’s as heavy as a tank. It’s a big, heavy, and bulky camera. It’s not something you’d want to carry around all day, but it’s something you’d want to carry around if you’re going to be shooting all day.

I started out in the amateur photography scene (still amateur unfortunately) with the D3000 and then upgraded to the D7000. Both of which boast an crop APS-C sensor and they served me well in my hayday. As I become more experienced with shooting and more versed in configuring the settings, I eventually moved over to the D700. While the feature set is certainly a bit behind the D7000, that is it cannot shoot video at all and the live view LCD is not really live view because it goes blank when the shooting button is actuated, I love using it nonetheless.

The no BS shooter

The D700 establishes itself in my heart as the photography camera. The 12.3 MP sensor is more than enough to generate excellent photos. And when coupled with its RAW capability, my creativity (and lenses, definitely lenses) is the hard limit to what I can produce with the camera.